Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Creative Workflow is here!!!!!!!

The highly anticipated LifeArt Creative Workflow action set! Everything you will need for your creative workflow needs!

Like all my actions, everything remains totally tweakable and fantastically layer-able! I am a complete control freak about being able to tweak my effects and I am a layer mask addict…so you will find that there is very very little flattening going on in this set and lots of opportunity to tweak and customize. BUT…the actions were created based on my actual use over the course of multiple sessions (some up to a few years!) so they are made to look great right out of the gate if you aren’t the type to tweak. Another bonus…I do not like unnatural skin tones in my images…and one of the biggest compliments I get is that people love the way my actions keep the skin looking normal.

So...what you get:

The action set...over 40 actions, including black & whites; tones; retro color/haze effects; vintage color effects; vignettes; and extra effects!

The edges...4 handmade custom shapes with a set of actions for use, PLUS the popular rounded corners in a variety of ratios, ready for batch websizing!

The Textures...10 very high rez custom handmade textures, including 2 patterns.

The price: $125

{want it ALL? get the Complete Color Workflow AND Creative Workflow together for only $175 ($50 less than buying them separate!!!)}

The options are endless for using these actions. All samples are run straight through...even a little tweak will give you a whole new look and layering can give you literally hundreds of options. Find your favorite combos and develop your own unique look!  Please feel free to email me for a full listing of the actions in this set.

what the actions palette looks like

Requirements & Restrictions:
  • CS2 & higher and an understanding of layer masks (most actions will work with CS)
  • Due to the nature of these actions, they are not available for purchase within the state of WI & northern IL...thank you for understanding!
  • If you have questions regarding the actions or want to see what your images looks like with these actions, please contact me prior to purchase, as no refunds or credits will be given due to the nature of this product
  • Actions will be emailed within 48 hours
  • Actions may not be shared, sold or redistributed in any manner...violators will be prosecuted
  • Note: These actions work best on properly exposed images...they will not fix a bad image, but will help your great images become amazing!